Friday, June 17, 2005

Skriv gärna namn och e-mail adress!

I just returned from a party thrown by Matt. Thanks again Matt. He thinks my blog is dorky which is hard to deny. I guess I just don't use it to speak my mind about things other than what I deal with on a daily basis. This post will be a little different, but I'm staying true to the dorkiness by blogging on a Friday night.

I met a lot of nice people, two of which I share a mutual friend with. 1) Both I and "Leeway" (I don't know how to spell is name but that's what it sounds like) know Chethan. They know each other through ultimate at Cornell. I got to know Chethan through Americana at NCSU. 2) Both I and Simon know TJ. They know each other from being students at Georgia Tech. I met TJ at IBM earlier this year. The small world phenomenon never gets old. Surprisingly, the one person at the party who expressed an interest in social networks came off as the most socially inept person there. Reminds me of Dr. Doyle speaking about Marvin Minsky and how he noticed that students would always be most interested in the aspects of AI that they didn't handle very well themselves in real life. Clumsy students who fumbled around were interested machine vision, for an example. Minsky was always worried about the students who said they were interested in general intelligence.

I'll close on another random note. Eight years ago I got confirmed through the Swedish church. It took place over 3 weeks in the summer before high school started. At the end of the three weeks, I asked people to write down their email address in my bible that I just happened to come across. If I can get just one response, that would be neat.


Matt said...

Thanks again Matt. He thinks my blog is dorky which is hard to deny.

Sorry, I was a bit drunk last night. Might be evidenced by spitting fire...

So although I like programming and enjoy technology, I really enjoy the social implications of technology and the internet. So that's why I blog about what I do.

March on in blogging about tech, and maybe I'll use something I learn from it

Martin Davidsson said...

Sorry, I was a bit drunk last night. Might be evidenced by spitting fire...

No, not at all. Like I said, I totally agree. Your comment was the first thing any one has said about the page so keep it coming.

I'm really fascinated by the social implications as well, especially those created by blogs. I've met up with some really great people through blogs. Do you think you would've met Vinnie if it weren't for blogs? Just curious.

I started reading blogs way before I wrote my first post. I'm just getting started... trying to find my style I guess :) And now that I'm writing, I'm seeing the importance of keeping up with the comments which is something I've completely ignored by using NetNewsWire. I'll have to remember to load your blogspot page in the browser every now and then.

By the way, do you think you can email me Todd's contact info? He was interested in doing a group ride sometime. Thanks!

Matt said...

I'd rather not put his email address on blogger - drop me a line if you want me to email it to you

Vincent said...

Please build a newsreader that feeds the comments as well. Maybe a little + sign next to the subject to break out the comments. You would also want to reply to the comments from your reader.

And it should be built as a website (like bloglines.) This way you could wrap behavioral analysis (tivo and around people's reading habits. And finally, the ability to build a social network around it.

I'll help you build it, bloglines could use some competition.

Anonymous said...

It''s quite impressive.